class: logo-slide --- class: title-slide ## Network Metrics ### Applications of Data Science - Class 9 ### Giora Simchoni #### ` and add #dsapps in subject` ### Stat. and OR Department, TAU ### 2020-04-25 --- layout: true <div class="my-footer"> <span> <a href="" target="_blank">Applications of Data Science </a> </span> </div> --- class: section-slide # Centrality --- ## What makes a node central to a network? A central node is... | Centrality ---------------------------------- | -------- Connected to many nodes | Degree Connected to other important nodes | Eigenvector, Katz, PageRank Close to many nodes | Closeness "Mediator", without it the network might "break" | Betweenness --- ```python import pandas as pd import numpy as np import networkx as nx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt scifi_edgelist = pd.read_csv('../data/sci_fi_final_edgelist.csv') G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(scifi_edgelist, 'book', 'book2', ['corr']) nx.draw_networkx(G) ``` <img src="images/Sci-Fi-1.png" width="50%" /> --- ## Degree Centrality - `\(x_i = k_i = \sum_{i=1}^n A_{ij}\)` - NetworkX also normalizes by dividing by `\(n - 1\)` - Or in directed netwroks: in-degree and out-degree centralities - Makes sense in social networks, co-citation networks ```python cent_deg = nx.degree_centrality(G) pretty_print(get_top_n_dict(cent_deg)) ``` ``` ## I, Robot: 0.27 ## The Princess Bride: 0.27 ## A Song of Ice and Fire: 0.27 ## 2001: A Space Odyssey: 0.27 ## Ender's Game: 0.27 ``` --- ```python nx.draw_networkx(G, node_list = cent_deg.keys(), node_size = [c * 500 for c in cent_deg.values()]) ``` <img src="images/Sci-Fi-Degree-1.png" width="70%" /> --- ## Eigenvector Centrality It's not *how many* you're connected to, it's *who* you're connected to... Let's make your centrality proportional to the sum of centralities of your neighbors: `\(x_i = \delta \sum_{j\in neigh(i)}x_j=\delta\sum^n_{j=1} A_{ij}x_j\)` The vector of centralities can be written as: `\(\mathbf{x}=\delta\mathbf{Ax}\)` Marking `\(\lambda=1/\delta\)` we get: `\(\mathbf{Ax}=\lambda\mathbf{x}\)` Which means our vector of centralities is an eigenvector of the adjacency matrix. --- Now there are `\(n\)` eigenvetors to this `\(n\text{x}n\)` matrix But according to the *Perron-Frobenius* theorem, since `\(A\)`'s elements are all non-negative, there exists only one eigenvector with all elements non-negative, the leading eigenvector, corresponding to the largest eigenvalue `\(\lambda\)` ```python cent_eig = nx.eigenvector_centrality(G) pretty_print(get_top_n_dict(cent_eig)) # Compare this to: # A = nx.to_numpy_matrix(G) # eigenvalues, eigenvectors = np.linalg.eigh(A) # eigenvectors[:, -1] ``` ``` ## 2001: A Space Odyssey: 0.39 ## The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: 0.38 ## Contact: 0.38 ## I, Robot: 0.37 ## Solaris: 0.33 ``` --- ```python nx.draw_networkx(G, node_list = cent_eig.keys(), node_size = [c * 500 for c in cent_eig.values()]) ``` <img src="images/Sci-Fi-Eigen-1.png" width="70%" /> --- ### Issues with Eigenvector Centrality - What to do with directed networks? Common solution: you are more "central" if many central nodes point *to* you --> definition remains the same only we stress that the eigenvector taken is the *right* leading eigenvector. - What about DAGs? ```python A = np.array([ [0, 0, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ]) Dag = nx.from_numpy_matrix(A.transpose(), create_using=nx.DiGraph) ``` --- ```python nx.draw_networkx(Dag) ``` <img src="images/unnamed-chunk-5-1.png" width="50%" /> ```python nx.eigenvector_centrality(Dag) ``` <pre style="color: red;"><code>## Error in py_call_impl(callable, dots$args, dots$keywords): PowerIterationFailedConvergence: (PowerIterationFailedConvergence(...), 'power iteration failed to converge within 100 iterations') ## ## Detailed traceback: ## File "<string>", line 1, in <module> ## File "<C:\Users\gsimc\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\lib\site-packages\>", line 2, in eigenvector_centrality ## File "C:\Users\gsimc\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\lib\site-packages\networkx\utils\", line 82, in _not_implemented_for ## return not_implement_for_func(*args, **kwargs) ## File "C:\Users\gsimc\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\lib\site-packages\networkx\algorithms\centrality\", line 149, in eigenvector_centrality ## raise nx.PowerIterationFailedConvergence(max_iter) </code></pre> --- ## Katz Centrality Let us give each node a "baseline" centrality `\(\beta\)`: `\(x_i = \alpha\sum^n_{j=1} A_{ij}x_j + \beta\)` It can be shown that: `\(\mathbf{x}=\beta(\mathbf{I} - \alpha\mathbf{A})\cdot\mathbf{1}\)` And therefore `\(\beta\)` itself isn't really important. It is custom to have `\(\beta=1\)` and `\(\alpha\)` vary between 0 (constant `\(\beta\)` centrality) and `\(1/\lambda\)` where `\(\lambda\)` is the maximum eigenvalue of `\(A\)`, in which case you get centrality very similiar to the eigenvector centrality, plus a little addition to avoid degeneration. --- So this now works: ```python nx.katz_centrality(Dag) ``` ``` ## {0: 0.4926375274857429, 1: 0.44381759232949813, 2: 0.44785229771431173, 3: 0.44381759232949813, 4: 0.4034705384813619} ``` And in the Sci-Fi books case: ```python cent_katz = nx.katz_centrality(G) pretty_print(get_top_n_dict(cent_katz)) ``` ``` ## 2001: A Space Odyssey: 0.25 ## The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: 0.25 ## Contact: 0.25 ## I, Robot: 0.25 ## Ender's Game: 0.24 ``` --- ```python nx.draw_networkx(G, node_list = cent_katz.keys(), node_size = [c * 500 for c in cent_katz.values()]) ``` <img src="images/Sci-Fi-Katz-1.png" width="70%" /> --- ## PageRank One issue with Katz centrality is that it gives equal weights to all of a node's edges. This becomes a problem in large networks like the WWW, in which a directory website could have links to potentially millions and billions of sites. PageRank improves on Katz centrality by dividing the contribution of each node by its (out) degree: `\(x_i = \alpha\sum^n_{j=1} A_{ij}\frac{x_j}{\max(k^{\text{out}}_j, 1)} + \beta\)` It can be shown that: `\(\mathbf{x}=\beta(\mathbf{I} - \alpha\mathbf{AD^{-1}})\cdot\mathbf{1}\)` Where `\(\mathbf{D}\)` is a diagonal matrix with `\(D_{ii}=\max(k^{\text{out}}_i, 1)\)` --- Again `\(\beta\)` itself isn't really important and is usually set to 1. For undirected networks it can be shown that `\(\alpha\)` should vary between 0 and 1. For directed networks there is no such limit, often a value close to 1 is used, Google and NetworkX use 0.85 by default. ```python cent_pagerank = nx.pagerank(G) pretty_print(get_top_n_dict(cent_pagerank)) ``` ``` ## The Princess Bride: 0.06 ## A Song of Ice and Fire: 0.06 ## Ender's Game: 0.06 ## I, Robot: 0.05 ## 2001: A Space Odyssey: 0.05 ``` --- ```python nx.draw_networkx(G, node_list = cent_pagerank.keys(), node_size = [c * 500 for c in cent_pagerank.values()]) ``` <img src="images/Sci-Fi-PageRank-1.png" width="70%" /> --- ## Closeness Closeness is the *inverse mean shortest distance* from node `\(i\)` to every other node: `\(x_i = \frac{n}{\sum_jd(i, j)}\)` .insight[ 💡 What might be an issue with Closeness centrality? ] ```python cent_closeness = nx.closeness_centrality(G) pretty_print(get_top_n_dict(cent_closeness)) ``` ``` ## Frankenstein: 0.49 ## Ender's Game: 0.46 ## The Hunger Games: 0.45 ## Brave New World: 0.43 ## Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea: 0.42 ``` --- ```python nx.draw_networkx(G, node_list = cent_closeness.keys(), node_size = [c * 500 for c in cent_closeness.values()]) ``` <img src="images/Sci-Fi-Closeness-1.png" width="70%" /> --- ## Betweenness How "in between" is a node? If we keep pushing messages from one random node to another, how many messages will go through node `\(i\)`? `\(x_i = \sum_{u,v}\frac{\tau(u,v|i)}{\tau(u,v)}\)` Where `\(\tau(u,v)\)` is the number of shortest paths from node `\(u\)` to node `\(v\)` and `\(\tau(u,v|i)\)` is the number of those shortest paths which pass through node `\(i\)`. When `\(\tau(u,v) = 0\)` the contribution is "0/0" and is defined as zero. .insight[ 💡 What is assumed regarding the motivation for Betweenness centrality above? How would you "normalize" Betweeness to range from 0 to 1? How would you imagine a node with high Betweenness (a *broker*) "looks like"? ] --- ```python cent_betweenness = nx.betweenness_centrality(G) pretty_print(get_top_n_dict(cent_betweenness)) ``` ``` ## Frankenstein: 0.25 ## Ender's Game: 0.20 ## The Hunger Games: 0.18 ## Watership Down: 0.17 ## Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea: 0.14 ``` --- ```python nx.draw_networkx(G, node_list = cent_betweenness.keys(), node_size = [c * 500 for c in cent_betweenness.values()]) ``` <img src="images/Sci-Fi-Betweenness-1.png" width="70%" /> --- ## Group Centrality In recent years there is also interest in measuring the centrality of a *group* of nodes. We can naturally extend some of the definitions we have seen: - Group degree centrality: the fraction of non-group members connected to group members - Group closeness centrality: inverse mean of the *minimum* shortest distance (minimum across all nodes in the group) to all nodes in the non-group - Group betweenness centrality: sum of the fraction of number of shortest paths between two nodes in the non-group, passing through any node in the group, from the number of all shortest paths between the two nodes See NetworkX [docs]( for further details --- class: section-slide # Detour: Cliques --- ### You know what a clique is... A clique is a group of nodes in an undirected network so that each node is connected to each other node. ```python Clique = nx.Graph() Clique.add_edges_from([(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (1, 4)]) nx.draw_networkx(Clique) ``` <img src="images/Clique-1.png" width="40%" /> --- class: section-slide # End of Detour --- ## Cores *k*-Cores are a type of relaxation of Cliques which is also useful in describing centrality of a group of nodes. *k*-Core is a group of nodes where each node is connected to at least *k* of the other nodes. <img src="images/k-Cores-1.png" style="width: 50%" /> --- For a given connected component the *k*-Cores are nested within each other: the 2-cores are a subset of the 1-cores (since if a node is connected to at least 2 nodes it must be connected to at least 1 node), the 3-cores are subsets of the 2-cores, etc. We get an onion or mountain-like structure which might be useful in describing centrality. ```python k_cores = nx.core_number(G) pretty_print(get_top_n_dict(k_cores)) ``` ``` ## I, Robot: 4.00 ## Solaris: 4.00 ## 2001: A Space Odyssey: 4.00 ## The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: 4.00 ## Contact: 4.00 ``` .insight[ 💡 How would you find all k-Cores? ] --- class: section-slide # Cohesion --- ## Density We've seen density before: the fraction of existing edges from potential edges: `\(\rho = \frac{m}{n\choose 2} = \frac{2m}{n(n-1)}\)` Which means the density for large networks is roughly the ratio of average degree to network size: `\(\rho = \frac{c}{n-1} \propto \frac{c}{n}\)` ```python nx.density(G) ``` ``` ## 0.2015810276679842 ``` --- ## Transitivity <img src="images/transitivity.png" style="width: 50%" /> If Virginia is friends with Ursula, and Ursula is friends with Winona, is Ursula friends with Winona? Is the `\(vuw\)` *connected triple* or *triad* a *closed triad*? --- The graph *transitvity* is the proportion of closed triads or triangles out of all triads: `\(Transitivity(G)=\frac{\text{#closed triads}}{\text{#triads}}=\frac{3 \text{x #triangles}}{\text{#triads}}=\frac{6 \text{x #triangles}}{\text{#paths of length 2}}\)` .insight[ 💡 Where did the 3 and 6 factors come from? ] ```python nx.transitivity(G) ``` ``` ## 0.5223880597014925 ``` Is this high? One way is to compare a graph transitivity to its density. If nodes connected to other nodes by random we would expect transitivity of about 20%. This is much higher, implying that the network is far from "random" and there is some logic to its edges. .insight[ 💡 How would a network with transitivity 0 or 1 look like? ] --- ## Local Clustering Coefficient The local equivalent of transitivity to a single node is the proportion of closed triads the node is part of, out of all pairs of neighbors: `\(LCC(i)=\frac{\text{#closed triads involving node i}}{\text{#pairs of neighbors of i}}=\frac{2\text{x#closed triads involving node i}}{k_i(k_i-1)}\)` .insight[ 💡 How would a node with clustering coefficient 0 or 1 look like? ] ```python clust_coefs = nx.clustering(G) pretty_print(get_top_n_dict(clust_coefs)) ``` ``` ## Flowers for Algernon: 1.00 ## The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe: 1.00 ## Solaris: 0.70 ## Harry Potter Series: 0.70 ## 2001: A Space Odyssey: 0.67 ``` --- ### LCC vs. Betweenness Centrality <img src="images/lCC-Betweenness-1.png" width="30%" /> In many realistic networks we see a negative correlation between LCC and betweenness centrality. Since for a given node the LCC is much easier to compute it is often a good enough approximation of (inverse) betweenness. .insight[ 💡 Can you explain this pattern? ] --- class: section-slide # Similarity --- ## Sructural Equivalence - Which nodes in a given network are most similar to one another? - Which node is most similar to a given node `\(i\)`? *Structural Equivalence* is only one type of similarity and it is concerned with `\(n_{ij}\)`: how many neighbors two nodes `\(i\)` and `\(j\)` share. .insight[ 💡 Why not just use *that* as a measure of similarity? ] .warning[ ⚠️ The Sci-Fi books is already a network based on pairwise similarities. Structural Equivalence does not deal with this type of similarity, calculated over a vector of features. ] --- ### Working with the Adjacency Matrix Cosine Distance and Pearson Correlation are two obvious choices: `\(S(i, j) =\cos(\theta)=\frac{\sum_kA_{ik}A_{kj}}{\sqrt{\sum_kA^2_{ik}}\sqrt{\sum_kA^2_{jk}}}=\frac{n_{ij}}{\sqrt{k_ik_j}}\)` `\(S(i, j) =r(i,j)=\frac{\sum_k(A_{ik}-\overline{A_i})(A_{jk}-\overline{A_j})}{\sqrt{\sum_k(A_{ik}-\overline{A_i})^2}\sqrt{\sum_k(A_{jk}-\overline{A_j})^2}}\)` .warning[ ⚠️ Not implemented in NetworkX, you could extract the adjacency matrix yourself and use Scikit-Learn for cosine distance and SciPy for pearson correlation. ] --- ### Jaccard Coefficient `\(S(i, j)=J(i,j)=\frac{|neigh(i) \cap neigh(j)|}{|neigh(i) \cup neigh(j)|}=\frac{n_{ij}}{k_i+k_j-n_{ij}}\)` ```python sim_jaccard = nx.jaccard_coefficient(G) sim_jaccard_top5 = {(u, v): j for u, v, j in sorted(sim_jaccard, key = lambda x: x[2], reverse=True)[:5]} pretty_print(sim_jaccard_top5) ``` ``` ## ('The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe', 'The Princess Bride'): 0.50 ## ('I, Robot', "Ender's Game"): 0.50 ## ('Solaris', 'Brave New World'): 0.43 ## ('2001: A Space Odyssey', 'Babel 17'): 0.43 ## ('Harry Potter Series', 'The Hunger Games'): 0.43 ``` --- class: section-slide # Homophily --- ## Assortative Mixing This has just arrived: people tend to connect with other people similar to them! a.k.a *assortative mixing* .font80percent[(Sorry to burst your bubble)] <img src="images/divided_they_blog.png" style="width: 50%" /> .font80percent[ [The Political Blogosphere and the 2004 U.S. Election: Divided They Blog / Lada Adamic]( ] .insight[ 💡 What would be an easy example of a network displaying *dis*assortative mixing? ] --- ### Categorical Attribute Assortative Mixing - Is the network of Israeli musical cooperations assortative for musical style? - Is the Sci-Fi books network assortative for author gender? - Is the choice of spouse assortative for race? Behold the joint probability distribution of attribute race for a real-life network: <img src="images/assortativity_by_race.png" style="width: 50%" /> The percentages in the cells refer to the proportion of *edges* for which the 1st node (a man) is of race `\(i\)` (e.g. black) and the 2nd node (a woman) is of race `\(j\)` (e.g. white) --- We wish to measure to what extent all edges are found on the diagonal of the above matrix (perfect assortativity). Let `\(M\)` be the joint probability distribution matrix of the specified categorical attribute, so that `\(\sum_{ij}M_{ij}=1\)`. And let `\(a_i\)` and `\(b_j\)` be the marginal probabilities of 1st and 2nd nodes (row and column) being of type `\(i\)` and `\(j\)` respectively, such that: `\(\sum_j M_{ij}=a_i; \space \sum_i M_{ij}=b_j\)` If the nodes formed edges randomly, the expected probability of 1st and 2nd nodes (row and column) being both of type `\(i\)` would be: `\(a_ib_i\)`. So the "distance" between the observed and expected over `\(M\)` is: `\(\sum_i(M_{ii}-a_ib_i)\)` and we divide this by the maximum value this distance can reach under perfect assortativity and get: `\(Assortativity_1(attribute)=\frac{\sum_iM_{ii}-\sum_ia_ib_i}{1-\sum_ia_ib_i}=\frac{\text{Tr}(M)-||M^2||}{1-||M^2||}\)` Where `\(||B||\)` means the sum of all elements in matrix `\(B\)`. --- This *assortative coefficient* is positive for attributes which demonstrate assortativity (up to a maximum of 1), 0 for attributes with no apparent assortativity and negative for attributes which demonstrate disassortativity. .insight[ 💡 Why not use a `\(\chi^2\)` test for independence? How would you perform hypothesis testing on such a statistic? ] ```python scifi_books = pd.read_csv('../data/sci_fi_books.csv') scifi_author_gender = scifi_books[scifi_books['book'].isin(G.nodes)].set_index('book')['author_gender'].to_dict() nx.set_node_attributes(G, scifi_author_gender, 'author_gender') print(nx.attribute_mixing_matrix(G, 'author_gender')) ``` ``` ## [[0.68627451 0.1372549 ] ## [0.1372549 0.03921569]] ``` ```python nx.attribute_assortativity_coefficient(G, 'author_gender') ``` ``` ## 0.05555555555555517 ``` --- ### Ordered/Numeric Attribute Assortative Mixing - Is the network of Israeli musical cooperations assortative for artists popularity? - Is the Sci-Fi books network assortative for year of release? - Is the choice of spouse assortative for age? <img src="images/assortativity_by_age.png" style="width: 50%"/> --- For this specific case we *could* use a simple Pearson correlation coefficient. In general though we might be dealing with a discrete numeric attribute with not many levels (e.g. year, grade) and the *weighted* correlation coefficient is used. Let `\(M\)` be the same joint probability distribution matrix for a discrete numeric attribute (if not discrete we can discretize it or use integration). And let `\(a_{x_i}\)` and `\(b_{y_j}\)` be the marginal probabilities of 1st and 2nd nodes (row and column) being of type `\(x_i\)` and `\(y_j\)` respectively. As before: `\(\sum_{ij}M_{ij}=1; \sum_j M_{ij}=a_{x_i}; \space \sum_i M_{ij}=b_{y_j}\)` The weighted mean of attribute (variable) `\(x\)`: `\(\hat{E}(x;a)=\frac{\sum_ix_ia_{x_i}}{\sum_ia_{x_i}}=\sum_ix_ia_{x_i}=\sum_{ij}x_iM_{ij}\)` --- `\(Assortativity_2(attribute)=r(x,y;M)=\frac{\hat{cov}(x,y;M)}{\hat{\sigma}(x)\hat{\sigma}(y)}=\)` `\(=\frac{\hat{E}(xy;E)-\hat{E}(x;a)\hat{E}(y;b)}{\hat{\sigma}(x)\hat{\sigma}(y)}=\frac{\sum_{ij}M_{ij}x_iy_j - \sum_ix_ia_{x_i}\cdot \sum_jy_jb_{y_j}}{\sqrt{\hat{cov}(x,x;M)\hat{cov}(y,y;M)}}\)` `\(= \frac{\sum_{ij}M_{ij}x_iy_j - \sum_{ij}a_{x_i}b_{y_j}x_iy_j}{\sqrt{\hat{cov}(x,x;M)\hat{cov}(y,y;M)}} = \frac{\sum_{ij}x_iy_j(M_{ij} - a_{x_i}b_{y_j})}{\sqrt{\hat{cov}(x,x;M)\hat{cov}(y,y;M)}}\)` This is a proper correlation coefficient, which ranges from -1 (perfect disassortativity) to 1 (perfect assortativity). ```python scifi_quarter = scifi_books[scifi_books['book'].isin(G.nodes)].set_index('book')['quarter_century'].to_dict() nx.set_node_attributes(G, scifi_quarter, 'quarter_century') # print(nx.numeric_mixing_matrix(G, 'quarter_century')) nx.numeric_assortativity_coefficient(G, 'quarter_century') ``` ``` ## 0.1155547690674223 ```