class: logo-slide --- class: title-slide ## Tidy Data Wrangling - Part A ### Applications of Data Science - Class 2 ### Giora Simchoni #### ` and add #dsapps in subject` ### Stat. and OR Department, TAU ### 2020-03-17 --- layout: true <div class="my-footer"> <span> <a href="" target="_blank">Applications of Data Science </a> </span> </div> --- class: section-slide # `dplyr`: Basic Data Verbs --- # Basic Data Verbs - `filter()` rows based on one or more conditions - `mutate()` one or more columns, usually based on existing columns - `select()` the column(s) you want - `arrange()` rows by one or more columns order - `summarize()` or `summarise()` that single quantity off a column - `pull()` a column as a vector, don't want it as a column no more And the much beloved `group_by()`: do *whatever* by groups of one or more variables. --- ## Read in the data ```r library(tidyverse) okcupid <- read_csv("../data/") ``` .font80percent[Reminder:] ```r dim(okcupid) ``` ``` ## [1] 59946 31 ``` ```r colnames(okcupid) ``` ``` ## [1] "age" "body_type" "diet" "drinks" "drugs" ## [6] "education" "essay0" "essay1" "essay2" "essay3" ## [11] "essay4" "essay5" "essay6" "essay7" "essay8" ## [16] "essay9" "ethnicity" "height" "income" "job" ## [21] "last_online" "location" "offspring" "orientation" "pets" ## [26] "religion" "sex" "sign" "smokes" "speaks" ## [31] "status" ``` --- ## `mutate()` Add a column `height_cm`, the `height` in centimeters: ```r okcupid <- okcupid %>% mutate(height_cm = 2.54 * height) ``` .insight[ 💡 if you also load the `magrittr` package you could do: `okcupid %<>% mutate(height_cm = 2.54 * height)` ] --- ## `filter()` and `select()` Filter only women, select only age and height: ```r okcupid %>% filter(sex == "f") %>% select(age, height) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 24,117 x 2 ## age height ## <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 32 65 ## 2 31 65 ## 3 24 67 ## 4 30 66 ## 5 29 62 ## 6 39 65 ## 7 26 64 ## 8 27 67 ## 9 22 67 ## 10 27 64 ## # ... with 24,107 more rows ``` --- Same but income over 100K, and select all essay questions: ```r okcupid %>% filter(sex == "f", income > 100000) %>% select(starts_with("essay")) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 208 x 10 ## essay0 essay1 essay2 essay3 essay4 essay5 essay6 essay7 essay8 essay9 ## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> ## 1 "i lov~ "being~ "scraw~ "my b~ "musi~ "vege~ "maki~ "kick~ "wow,~ "if y~ ## 2 i'm si~ curren~ eating~ my po~ pride~ nothi~ my ne~ eatin~ i'm n~ you w~ ## 3 "welco~ "piano~ "singi~ "my h~ "book~ "touc~ diffe~ <NA> <NA> you f~ ## 4 "pureb~ "by da~ "being~ my ha~ "to s~ "- wa~ my ne~ "i tr~ ummmm~ "you ~ ## 5 "i was~ "chick~ "using~ lips ~ "arma~ lust,~ enter~ makin~ <NA> "you ~ ## 6 "hello~ "i tal~ "anyth~ "my a~ "book~ "my g~ "ever~ "i wo~ <NA> "if y~ ## 7 "life'~ "i'm j~ "getti~ its b~ "otis~ "1. s~ "the ~ "oh m~ i don~ if yo~ ## 8 "every~ "livin~ being ~ my ey~ "dubs~ "dirt~ "how ~ "reco~ i lov~ "you ~ ## 9 love t~ daily ~ "i am ~ my sm~ love ~ masca~ if i ~ <NA> "i am~ <NA> ## 10 "<b>ph~ "i am ~ "pissi~ my sm~ "book~ "my d~ who p~ "tota~ "my d~ "if y~ ## # ... with 198 more rows ``` --- Same but using a range of columns: ```r okcupid %>% filter(sex == "f", income > 100000) %>% select(essay0:essay9) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 208 x 10 ## essay0 essay1 essay2 essay3 essay4 essay5 essay6 essay7 essay8 essay9 ## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> ## 1 "i lov~ "being~ "scraw~ "my b~ "musi~ "vege~ "maki~ "kick~ "wow,~ "if y~ ## 2 i'm si~ curren~ eating~ my po~ pride~ nothi~ my ne~ eatin~ i'm n~ you w~ ## 3 "welco~ "piano~ "singi~ "my h~ "book~ "touc~ diffe~ <NA> <NA> you f~ ## 4 "pureb~ "by da~ "being~ my ha~ "to s~ "- wa~ my ne~ "i tr~ ummmm~ "you ~ ## 5 "i was~ "chick~ "using~ lips ~ "arma~ lust,~ enter~ makin~ <NA> "you ~ ## 6 "hello~ "i tal~ "anyth~ "my a~ "book~ "my g~ "ever~ "i wo~ <NA> "if y~ ## 7 "life'~ "i'm j~ "getti~ its b~ "otis~ "1. s~ "the ~ "oh m~ i don~ if yo~ ## 8 "every~ "livin~ being ~ my ey~ "dubs~ "dirt~ "how ~ "reco~ i lov~ "you ~ ## 9 love t~ daily ~ "i am ~ my sm~ love ~ masca~ if i ~ <NA> "i am~ <NA> ## 10 "<b>ph~ "i am ~ "pissi~ my sm~ "book~ "my d~ who p~ "tota~ "my d~ "if y~ ## # ... with 198 more rows ``` .insight[ 💡 Many, many such gifts, see [`tidyselect`]( ] --- ## `summarize()` Find the average height of women ```r okcupid %>% filter(sex == "f") %>% summarize(avg_height = mean(height_cm, na.rm = TRUE)) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 1 x 1 ## avg_height ## <dbl> ## 1 165. ``` Notice we got a `tibble`. We could either `pull` this single number: ```r okcupid %>% filter(sex == "f") %>% summarize(avg_height = mean(height_cm, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% pull() ``` ``` ## [1] 165.3638 ``` --- Or pull the vector of heights first, then calculate their mean: ```r okcupid %>% filter(sex == "f") %>% pull(height_cm) %>% mean(na.rm = TRUE) ``` ``` ## [1] 165.3638 ``` Amazingly, this would also work: ```r mean(pull(filter(okcupid, sex == "f"), height_cm), na.rm = TRUE) ``` ``` ## [1] 165.3638 ``` --- ## `group_by()` But why settle for women only? ```r okcupid %>% group_by(sex) %>% summarize(avg_height = mean(height_cm, na.rm = TRUE)) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 2 x 2 ## sex avg_height ## <chr> <dbl> ## 1 f 165. ## 2 m 179. ``` And you might want to consider `rename()`ing sex! ```r okcupid %>% group_by(sex) %>% summarize(avg_height = mean(height_cm, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% rename(gender = sex) ``` --- Group by multiple variables, get more summaries, arrange by descending average height: ```r okcupid %>% group_by(sex, status) %>% summarize(avg_height = mean(height_cm, na.rm = TRUE), med_height = median(height_cm, na.rm = TRUE), n = n()) %>% arrange(-med_height) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 10 x 5 ## # Groups: sex [2] ## sex status avg_height med_height n ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <int> ## 1 m available 179. 180. 1209 ## 2 m married 179. 180. 175 ## 3 m seeing someone 179. 178. 1061 ## 4 m single 179. 178. 33378 ## 5 m unknown 177. 177. 6 ## 6 f available 166. 166. 656 ## 7 f married 166. 165. 135 ## 8 f seeing someone 165. 165. 1003 ## 9 f single 165. 165. 22319 ## 10 f unknown 161. 159. 4 ``` --- ## Pro tip: `count()` When all you want is, well, `count`, no need to `group_by`: ```r okcupid %>% count(body_type, sort = TRUE) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 13 x 2 ## body_type n ## <chr> <int> ## 1 average 14652 ## 2 fit 12711 ## 3 athletic 11819 ## 4 <NA> 5296 ## 5 thin 4711 ## 6 curvy 3924 ## 7 a little extra 2629 ## 8 skinny 1777 ## 9 full figured 1009 ## 10 overweight 444 ## 11 jacked 421 ## 12 used up 355 ## 13 rather not say 198 ``` --- ## Pro tip: `add_count()` Add count without first creating an initial table, joining etc.: ```r okcupid %>% mutate(id = row_number()) %>% select(id, body_type, sex) %>% add_count(body_type, name = "n_bt") %>% filter(n_bt > 10000) %>% head(5) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 5 x 4 ## id body_type sex n_bt ## <int> <chr> <chr> <int> ## 1 2 average m 14652 ## 2 5 athletic m 11819 ## 3 6 average m 14652 ## 4 7 fit f 12711 ## 5 8 average f 14652 ``` --- class: section-slide # Beyond Basics --- ## A simple answer to the religion question? ```r okcupid %>% count(religion) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 46 x 2 ## religion n ## <chr> <int> ## 1 agnosticism 2724 ## 2 agnosticism and laughing about it 2496 ## 3 agnosticism and somewhat serious about it 642 ## 4 agnosticism and very serious about it 314 ## 5 agnosticism but not too serious about it 2636 ## 6 atheism 2175 ## 7 atheism and laughing about it 2074 ## 8 atheism and somewhat serious about it 848 ## 9 atheism and very serious about it 570 ## 10 atheism but not too serious about it 1318 ## # ... with 36 more rows ``` --- ## Recoding with `case_when()` ```r okcupid <- okcupid %>% mutate(religion2 = case_when( str_detect(religion, "agnosticism") | str_detect(religion, "atheism") ~ "atheist", str_detect(religion, "buddhism") ~ "buddhist", str_detect(religion, "christianity") | str_detect(religion, "catholicism") ~ "christian", str_detect(religion, "judaism") ~ "jewish", str_detect(religion, "hinduism") ~ "hindu", str_detect(religion, "islam") ~ "muslim", TRUE ~ "NA")) okcupid %>% count(religion2, sort = TRUE) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 7 x 2 ## religion2 n ## <chr> <int> ## 1 NA 27969 ## 2 atheist 15797 ## 3 christian 10545 ## 4 jewish 3098 ## 5 buddhist 1948 ## 6 hindu 450 ## 7 muslim 139 ``` --- ### Getting extreme observations with `top_n()` and `top_frac()` ```r okcupid %>% select(sex, age) %>% group_by(sex) %>% top_n(3, age) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 33 x 2 ## # Groups: sex [2] ## sex age ## <chr> <dbl> ## 1 f 110 ## 2 m 69 ## 3 m 69 ## 4 m 69 ## 5 m 69 ## 6 m 69 ## 7 m 69 ## 8 m 69 ## 9 m 69 ## 10 m 69 ## # ... with 23 more rows ``` --- Unfortunately `top_n` does not deal with ties, could use `slice` for that: ```r okcupid %>% select(sex, age) %>% group_by(sex) %>% top_n(3, age) %>% slice(1:3) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 6 x 2 ## # Groups: sex [2] ## sex age ## <chr> <dbl> ## 1 f 110 ## 2 f 69 ## 3 f 69 ## 4 m 69 ## 5 m 69 ## 6 m 69 ``` .insight[ 💡 Or use `rank()` ] --- ### Remove duplicates with `distinct()` ```r okcupid %>% filter(diet == "kosher") %>% distinct(body_type, drugs) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 7 x 2 ## body_type drugs ## <chr> <chr> ## 1 fit <NA> ## 2 <NA> never ## 3 used up <NA> ## 4 fit never ## 5 skinny never ## 6 a little extra never ## 7 jacked never ``` .insight[ 💡 `distinct()` is much more powerful than `unique()`, see `?distinct`. To count number of distinct obs look at `n_distinct()` ] --- ### The `_at()`, `_if()` and `_all()` families Many of the verbs we've seen come with these suffixes: ```r okcupid %>% select_if(is.numeric) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 59,946 x 4 ## age height income height_cm ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 22 75 -1 190. ## 2 35 70 80000 178. ## 3 38 68 -1 173. ## 4 23 71 20000 180. ## 5 29 66 -1 168. ## 6 29 67 -1 170. ## 7 32 65 -1 165. ## 8 31 65 -1 165. ## 9 24 67 -1 170. ## 10 37 65 -1 165. ## # ... with 59,936 more rows ``` Do you see something strange? --- Take care of those missing observations for me without breaking the pipe: ```r okcupid %>% na_if(-1) %>% select_if(is.numeric) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 59,946 x 4 ## age height income height_cm ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 22 75 NA 190. ## 2 35 70 80000 178. ## 3 38 68 NA 173. ## 4 23 71 20000 180. ## 5 29 66 NA 168. ## 6 29 67 NA 170. ## 7 32 65 NA 165. ## 8 31 65 NA 165. ## 9 24 67 NA 170. ## 10 37 65 NA 165. ## # ... with 59,936 more rows ``` --- Transform all my numeric columns with `log`: ```r okcupid %>% na_if(-1) %>% select_if(is.numeric) %>% mutate_all(log) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 59,946 x 4 ## age height income height_cm ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 3.09 4.32 NA 5.25 ## 2 3.56 4.25 11.3 5.18 ## 3 3.64 4.22 NA 5.15 ## 4 3.14 4.26 9.90 5.19 ## 5 3.37 4.19 NA 5.12 ## 6 3.37 4.20 NA 5.14 ## 7 3.47 4.17 NA 5.11 ## 8 3.43 4.17 NA 5.11 ## 9 3.18 4.20 NA 5.14 ## 10 3.61 4.17 NA 5.11 ## # ... with 59,936 more rows ``` .insight[ 💡 Also see `mutate_if()` ] --- Same but add `sqrt` and keep original columns: ```r okcupid %>% na_if(-1) %>% select_if(is.numeric) %>% mutate_all(list(logged = log, sqrted = sqrt)) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 59,946 x 12 ## age height income height_cm age_logged height_logged income_logged ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 22 75 NA 190. 3.09 4.32 NA ## 2 35 70 80000 178. 3.56 4.25 11.3 ## 3 38 68 NA 173. 3.64 4.22 NA ## 4 23 71 20000 180. 3.14 4.26 9.90 ## 5 29 66 NA 168. 3.37 4.19 NA ## 6 29 67 NA 170. 3.37 4.20 NA ## 7 32 65 NA 165. 3.47 4.17 NA ## 8 31 65 NA 165. 3.43 4.17 NA ## 9 24 67 NA 170. 3.18 4.20 NA ## 10 37 65 NA 165. 3.61 4.17 NA ## # ... with 59,936 more rows, and 5 more variables: height_cm_logged <dbl>, ## # age_sqrted <dbl>, height_sqrted <dbl>, income_sqrted <dbl>, ## # height_cm_sqrted <dbl> ``` --- Same but take care of zeros under `log`: ```r okcupid %>% na_if(-1) %>% select_if(is.numeric) %>% mutate_all(list(logged = function(x) log(x + 1), sqrted = sqrt)) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 59,946 x 12 ## age height income height_cm age_logged height_logged income_logged ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 22 75 NA 190. 3.14 4.33 NA ## 2 35 70 80000 178. 3.58 4.26 11.3 ## 3 38 68 NA 173. 3.66 4.23 NA ## 4 23 71 20000 180. 3.18 4.28 9.90 ## 5 29 66 NA 168. 3.40 4.20 NA ## 6 29 67 NA 170. 3.40 4.22 NA ## 7 32 65 NA 165. 3.50 4.19 NA ## 8 31 65 NA 165. 3.47 4.19 NA ## 9 24 67 NA 170. 3.22 4.22 NA ## 10 37 65 NA 165. 3.64 4.19 NA ## # ... with 59,936 more rows, and 5 more variables: height_cm_logged <dbl>, ## # age_sqrted <dbl>, height_sqrted <dbl>, income_sqrted <dbl>, ## # height_cm_sqrted <dbl> ``` --- Same but select only non-negative columns: ```r is_non_negative <- function(x) is.numeric(x) && ( || x >= 0) okcupid %>% na_if(-1) %>% select_if(is_non_negative) %>% mutate_all(list(logged = function(x) log(x + 1), sqrted = sqrt)) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 59,946 x 12 ## age height income height_cm age_logged height_logged income_logged ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 22 75 NA 190. 3.14 4.33 NA ## 2 35 70 80000 178. 3.58 4.26 11.3 ## 3 38 68 NA 173. 3.66 4.23 NA ## 4 23 71 20000 180. 3.18 4.28 9.90 ## 5 29 66 NA 168. 3.40 4.20 NA ## 6 29 67 NA 170. 3.40 4.22 NA ## 7 32 65 NA 165. 3.50 4.19 NA ## 8 31 65 NA 165. 3.47 4.19 NA ## 9 24 67 NA 170. 3.22 4.22 NA ## 10 37 65 NA 165. 3.64 4.19 NA ## # ... with 59,936 more rows, and 5 more variables: height_cm_logged <dbl>, ## # age_sqrted <dbl>, height_sqrted <dbl>, income_sqrted <dbl>, ## # height_cm_sqrted <dbl> ``` --- On second thought `log` would probably be appropriate just for `income` and `height_cm` (not really, just for demo): ```r okcupid %>% na_if(-1) %>% mutate_at(c("income", "height_cm"), list(logged = function(x) log(x + 1), sqrted = sqrt)) %>% select(ends_with("logged"), ends_with("sqrted")) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 59,946 x 4 ## income_logged height_cm_logged income_sqrted height_cm_sqrted ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 NA 5.25 NA 13.8 ## 2 11.3 5.19 283. 13.3 ## 3 NA 5.16 NA 13.1 ## 4 9.90 5.20 141. 13.4 ## 5 NA 5.13 NA 12.9 ## 6 NA 5.14 NA 13.0 ## 7 NA 5.11 NA 12.8 ## 8 NA 5.11 NA 12.8 ## 9 NA 5.14 NA 13.0 ## 10 NA 5.11 NA 12.8 ## # ... with 59,936 more rows ``` --- ## Dealing with `NA`s You've already seen `na_if()`. We could simply, always, keep those `NA`s in income: ```r okcupid <- okcupid %>% mutate(income = ifelse(income == -1, NA, income)) ``` Or: ```r okcupid <- okcupid %>% mutate(income = na_if(income, -1)) ``` Dropping `NA`s with, well, `drop_na()`: ```r okcupid_no_nas <- okcupid %>% drop_na() ``` --- Replacing `NA`s with, well, `replace_na()`: ```r okcupid_back_to_minus1 <- okcupid %>% replace_na(list(income = -1)) ``` Could be useful for imputing `NA`s, say the median: ```r okcupid_na_income_imputed <- okcupid %>% replace_na(list(income = median(.$income, na.rm = TRUE))) ``` --- ### Sampling with `sample_n()` and `sample_frac()` ```r okcupid %>% select(drugs, age, income, sex) %>% group_by(drugs) %>% sample_n(3, replace = TRUE) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 12 x 4 ## # Groups: drugs [4] ## drugs age income sex ## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> ## 1 never 24 NA f ## 2 never 26 NA m ## 3 never 29 NA m ## 4 often 34 NA m ## 5 often 19 NA f ## 6 often 23 NA m ## 7 sometimes 22 NA m ## 8 sometimes 29 100000 m ## 9 sometimes 32 NA m ## 10 <NA> 25 NA f ## 11 <NA> 27 NA m ## 12 <NA> 40 250000 m ``` --- class: section-slide # Put it in a function --- ### Compose a function which would accept an unquoted variable ```r count_var_for_gender <- function(var, gender) { okcupid %>% filter(sex == gender) %>% count({{var}}, sort = TRUE) } count_var_for_gender(body_type, "f") %>% head(9) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 9 x 2 ## body_type n ## <chr> <int> ## 1 average 5620 ## 2 fit 4431 ## 3 curvy 3811 ## 4 <NA> 2703 ## 5 thin 2469 ## 6 athletic 2309 ## 7 full figured 870 ## 8 a little extra 821 ## 9 skinny 601 ``` --- ### Making a `data.frame` function pipeable ```r transform_all_my_numerics <- function(df, transformation) { df %>% mutate_if(is.numeric, transformation) } okcupid %>% transform_all_my_numerics(log) %>% select_if(is.numeric) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 59,946 x 4 ## age height income height_cm ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 3.09 4.32 NA 5.25 ## 2 3.56 4.25 11.3 5.18 ## 3 3.64 4.22 NA 5.15 ## 4 3.14 4.26 9.90 5.19 ## 5 3.37 4.19 NA 5.12 ## 6 3.37 4.20 NA 5.14 ## 7 3.47 4.17 NA 5.11 ## 8 3.43 4.17 NA 5.11 ## 9 3.18 4.20 NA 5.14 ## 10 3.61 4.17 NA 5.11 ## # ... with 59,936 more rows ``` --- ### `invisible()` If your function does not return a `data.frame` make it! ```r print_n_rows <- function(df) { cat("number of rows: ", nrow(df), "\n") invisible(df) } okcupid %>% filter(sex == "m", body_type %in% c("fit", "thin", "skinny")) %>% print_n_rows() %>% summarise(mean_height = mean(height_cm, trim = 0.025)) ``` ``` ## number of rows: 11698 ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 1 x 1 ## mean_height ## <dbl> ## 1 179. ``` --- Or even better: ```r filter_and_print <- function(df, ...) { df_filtered <- df %>% filter(...) cat("number of rows: ", nrow(df_filtered), "\n") df_filtered } okcupid %>% filter_and_print(sex == "m", body_type %in% c("fit", "thin", "skinny")) %>% summarise(mean_height = mean(height_cm, trim = 0.025)) ``` ``` ## number of rows: 11698 ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 1 x 1 ## mean_height ## <dbl> ## 1 179. ``` .insight[ 💡 for better living see `glue::glue("number of rows: {nrow(df)}")` ]